Step 6 - Export Reports to Accounting

Once all expense reports are completed in the workflow, the next step is exporting them to your accounting system.

Most systems accept SIE files, and Expense offers a comprehensive list of export formats. If you don't find the one you need, creating a custom export format is possible—contact us for more details.

How to Export Reports

1. Access Export Settings:

  • Go to Administer > Settings > Import & Export.

2. Navigate to Export Section:

  • Go to Reports > Export to Accounting.

3. Input Date Range:

  • Specify the date range for the reports you want to export by filling in the "From" and "To" dates.

4. Set Verification Date:

  • Enter the date you want to assign as the verification date in your accounting system.

5. Review Reports: 

  • Click Control Printout to preview and verify that the reports are correct before exporting.

6. Export Reports:

  • Once the reports are verified, click Export.

7. Download Export File:

Go to My Downloaded Files to access the exported accounting file.

Note: All reports must have the status Approved before being exported. For SIE export, ensure both the current and previous fiscal years are specified.

Troubleshooting Export Issues

If something goes wrong during the export or if the file wasn't imported correctly into your accounting system, you can easily troubleshoot:

1. Access Previous Exports:

  • Go to Previous Exports and select the export file that contains the error.

2. Reset the Export:

  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Reset Export to undo the export.

3. Recover Lost Files:

  • If you've lost the downloaded file, go to Previous Exports and click Save to Disk to download the correct export file again.

Fortnox Integration Setup

1. Access Integration Settings:

  • Go to Administer > Settings > Integrations.

2. Select and Add Fortnox Integration:

  • Click Choose Integration > Fortnox, and then click Add.

3. Set Verification Series:

  • Enter the appropriate verification series for your accounting system and save the settings.

4. Activate Fortnox Integration:

  • Go to Integrations > Activate Fortnox. 
  • Log in to Fortnox through the popup window and provide the necessary permissions for the integration.

Transferring Internal Accounts and Reports to Fortnox

1. Import Internal Accounts from Fortnox:

  • Go to Internal Accounts > Account Codes.
  • Click the three dots (⋮) and select Import Internal Account Codes from Fortnox. This will transfer all relevant cost centers into Expense.

Note: For the export to work, the dimension type must be set to the correct internal account (cost center/project) you intend to transfer.

2. Export Reports to Fortnox:

The approval and verification process works as usual. Once you click Export, all transactions and any attached receipts will be sent directly to Fortnox under Verifications.

Important: The person managing the integration must have both accounting and archive licenses in Fortnox. Additionally, if salaries need to be paid, payroll access is required.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly export your reports and integrate them with Fortnox or other accounting systems, ensuring accurate and efficient accounting processes.