Step 5 - Managing the Workflow and Invoice Files**

As an administrator, you can fully control the flow of invoice files and track all expense reports to ensure smooth operations.

This guide will help you adjust settings, monitor processes, and send reminders effectively to keep everything on track.

How to Manage the Workflow

As an administrator, you have complete visibility over the active workflow, allowing you to track and manage every report. With various filtering options, you can streamline your work and quickly access the necessary information.

1. Filter by Status

  • Status: Filter reports by their stage in the workflow to see where they are in the approval or processing pipeline.
  • Type: Choose which type of reports you want to view (e.g., expense claims, invoices).
  • Invoiced/Uninvoiced: Select whether you want to see finalized, invoiced reports or uninvoiced daily transactions.
    Search: Use the search function to quickly locate a specific report or user.
    Date Range: Adjust the date range to narrow down your view to specific periods.

Reviewing Expense Reports

As an administrator, you are responsible for verifying the accuracy of reports submitted by employees. Access each report and conduct a thorough review to ensure compliance with your policies.

1. Transaction Overview:

  • View detailed information about each purchase, as provided by the card supplier, to verify the legitimacy of the transaction.

2. Attached Receipts: 

  Plus Icon (+): No receipt has been attached.  

Phone Icon: A receipt has been matched to the transaction.  

Paperclip Icon: A receipt is attached to the transaction.  

  Thread Icon: The system has automatically matched a receipt to the transaction.  

You can also add additional supporting documents if needed.

3. Accounting Status:

Highlighted Icons: Indicates that no accounting has been done yet.  

Dimmed Icons: Indicates that the user has already posted the transaction in the accounting system.

4. Using the Three Dots Menu (⋮):

Click on the three dots for further options, such as reviewing or completing the accounting. For representation expenses, select the fork/knife icon, and use the book icon for regular transactions.

5. Duplicate Transaction Warning: 

Expense automatically flags transactions made on the same date for the same amount to alert you to potential duplicates. This feature helps prevent accidental double payments or duplicate receipt entries, ensuring accurate reporting. However, this warning does not stop the workflow; it is a helpful tool to improve accuracy.

Managing Accounting Documentation

Once a report has been finalized and posted, you, as the administrator, gain access to digital accounting documentation. This tool helps you oversee all financial entries and ensure that reports align with your company’s accounting standards.

1. Detailed Transaction Overview:

  • Each transaction is displayed on its line, including associated accounts, comments, transaction details, internal accounts, VAT, and account numbers.

2. **Summarized Verification: 

  • A digital summary provides an overview of all transactions, including debit and credit balances.

Sending Reminders to Employees

Administrators can send reminders directly from the system to ensure timely submission of reports. You can either automate reminders or manually send them to specific employees.

1. Automated Reminders:

  • Go to Reports > Reminders and set up automatic reminders.
  • You can customize the frequency to suit your workflow, ensuring employees are regularly notified to submit their reports on time.

2. Manually Send Reminders:

  • Select Reports by Status: Filter by report status to identify which ones are overdue or incomplete.  
  • Customize Report Types: Choose the types of reports and their age to prioritize which ones require immediate attention.
  • Update and Send: Once you have your list of outstanding reports, select the users and notify them to complete their submissions.

Using these tools effectively allows you to streamline the workflow and ensure that all reports are completed, reviewed, and processed on time. This reduces delays and ensures smooth financial management across your organization.